The first step is to load the data derived from the thermogravimetric
analysis into R. This step will vary depending on the format of your
exported data. Two of many options for reading data are
for .csv files and read.table()
.txt files. Both of these functions also have a skip
argument, in which you can tell R to begin reading data from a certain
line, useful if the exported data has several lines of metadata at the
top. You may also then have to assign column names. For example:
my_data <- read.csv('your_file_path_here.csv', header = FALSE, skip = 15)
colnames(c('temperature_C', 'mass_mg'))
More information about reading data into R can be found here.
This package was developed using data from a Netzsch TGA-FTIR
thermogravimetric analyser. We have included two example datasets in
this package, called juncus
and marsilea
, that
we will use for this demonstration. The juncus
contains theromogravimetric data for a sample of the freshwater reed,
Juncus amabilis, and marsilea
contains data for
the freshwater fern, Marsilea drumondii.
## temp_C mass_loss
## 1 31.453 -0.000931
## 2 31.452 -0.001340
## 3 31.450 -0.001350
## 4 31.450 -0.001660
## 5 31.450 -0.001680
## 6 31.450 -0.001800
dataAfter we’ve loaded our data, can use the function
to take the derivative of this data, resulting in
rate of mass loss over temperature data. This produces the multi-peaked
rate of decay curve that we will apply the mixture model to. The
function needs the dataset, the initial mass of
sample, the name of the temperature data column, and the name of your
mass column (mg). Mass might be recorded in your exported dataset in
different ways:
dataset, you can specify the column name using the
function. But make sure the argument
matches the kind of data!The function defaults to temperature data in Celsius, but you can
also modify to indicate the data is provided in Kelvin, by specifying
the argument temp_units = 'K'
deriv_juncus <- process(juncus, # dataframe name
init_mass = 18.96,
temp = 'temp_C', # column name for temperature
mass_loss = 'mass_loss') # column name for mass loss data
## Derivative thermogravimetry data (DTG) calculated for
## 768 datapoints from 31.5 to 798.52 degrees C.
deriv_marsilea <- process(marsilea,
init_mass = 15.29,
temp = 'temp_C',
mass_loss = 'mass_loss')
## Derivative thermogravimetry data (DTG) calculated for
## 768 datapoints from 31.5 to 798.51 degrees C.
At this point we can take a look at what we’ve done so far using the
default plotting option for the processed data. If you
the output of the process
function, you
will get two curves: the mass of sample across time and the rate of mass
loss curve. If you’re only interested in one plot, you can specify
plot_type = 'mass'
or plot_type = 'rate'
. You
can also specify a size factor using cex
The rate of mass loss curve helps us to visualise the three stages of mass loss:
In the next step we will crop the data to include only phase 2, so visualising your own data is important to check that the default temperature bounds will be suitable, in case for example the dehydration phase extends past 120 ∘C or ends earlier. Comparing the plots for the two species we can see similarities in the shape and location of the peaks of the overall rate of mass loss curve, but also subtle differences. It is these characteristics we will tease apart using the nonlinear mixture model in the next step.
dataThe decovolve
function takes care of modelling the rate
of mass loss data with the nonlinear mixture model. To do so it first
crops to the second phase, as mentioned above, to default temperature
bounds of 120 ∘C and 700
∘C. These can be modified
with the lower_temp
and upper_temp
Although most biomass samples have only three main components
(corresponding to hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin), some have a
second hemicellulose peak in the low temperature range.
will decide whether three or four peaks are best
using an internal function that determines if there is a peak below 220
∘C. Upon inspection of your
curve you can override this by modifying the n_peaks
argument. The function also has built in starting values for the
nonlinear optimisation. These values were tested on litter from 30 plant
species, encompassing herbaceous, graminoid, as well as woody species.
However, if they do not work for your sample, or you would like to play
with the effect of changing them, you can do so with the
, lower_vec
, and
## Deconvolution by -part Fraser-Suzuki mixture model fitted to
## 580 datapoints from 120 to 700 degrees C.
# here's an example of specifying your starting vector.
# the order of values is height, skew, position, then width
my_starting_vec <- c(height_0 = 0.002, skew_0 = -0.15, position_0 = 210, width_0 = 50,
height_1 = 0.003, skew_1 = -0.15, position_1 = 250, width_1 = 50,
height_2 = 0.006, skew_2 = -0.15, position_2 = 320, width_2 = 30,
height_3 = 0.001, skew_3 = -0.15, position_3 = 390, width_3 = 200)
output_marsilea <- deconvolve(deriv_marsilea, n_peaks = 4, start_vec = my_starting_vec)
## Deconvolution by -part Fraser-Suzuki mixture model fitted to
## 580 datapoints from 120 to 700 degrees C.
results in a few different outputs that you
can retrieve with accessor functions.
will show you the processed dataset that
results from the process
function, useful if you want to
play around with other modelling approaches or plotting options:## temp_C deriv mass_T
## 5325 120.514 9.570652e-05 17.91630
## 5384 121.501 9.885901e-05 17.91445
## 5445 122.515 1.003878e-04 17.91252
## 5505 123.514 9.133606e-05 17.91079
## 5565 124.513 6.493836e-05 17.90956
## 5625 125.509 8.578618e-05 17.90794
will print the temperature values at
which the data were cropped for analysis:
## [1] 120 700
will show you the output of the mixture
model and estimated parameter values for height, skew, position, and
width for each peak. Peak 1 is hemicellulose, peak 2 is cellulose, and
peak 3 is lignin. If present, the optional fourth peak located at the
lowest temperature interval will be listed as peak 0:## Nonlinear regression model
## model: deriv ~ fs_mixture(temp_C, height_1, skew_1, position_1, width_1, height_2, skew_2, position_2, width_2, height_3, skew_3, position_3, width_3)
## data: dataframe
## height_1 skew_1 position_1 width_1 height_2 skew_2 position_2
## 3.948e-03 1.182e-01 2.662e+02 5.092e+01 5.807e-03 1.313e-02 3.173e+02
## width_2 height_3 skew_3 position_3 width_3
## 2.872e+01 1.161e-03 1.086e-01 3.300e+02 2.500e+02
## residual sum-of-squares: 9.328e-06
## Number of iterations to convergence: 23
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 1.49e-08
## Nonlinear regression model
## model: deriv ~ fs_mixture(temp_C, height_1, skew_1, position_1, width_1, height_2, skew_2, position_2, width_2, height_3, skew_3, position_3, width_3, height_0, skew_0, position_0, width_0)
## data: dataframe
## height_0 skew_0 position_0 width_0 height_1 skew_1 position_1
## 0.000816 -0.232926 187.779162 53.030500 0.002695 -0.330000 278.179210
## width_1 height_2 skew_2 position_2 width_2 height_3 skew_3
## 54.575603 0.003670 -0.055013 317.234478 29.662291 0.001160 0.200000
## position_3 width_3
## 330.000000 250.000000
## residual sum-of-squares: 6.336e-06
## Number of iterations to convergence: 25
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 1.49e-08
will display the mean, upper, and
lower confidence intervals for each estimated component:## HC CL LG value_type
## 1 21.5052522 17.7567843 30.627803 mean
## 2 20.3792734 16.7262721 29.475376 2.5%
## 3 21.5424650 17.7159407 30.611917 50%
## 4 22.6976050 18.7621183 31.800426 97.5%
## 5 0.5958688 0.5176275 0.595558 sd
## HC_1 HC_2 CL LG value_type
## 1 4.625424 16.281264 11.601420 31.009214 mean
## 2 2.664669 9.124987 3.885895 24.840608 2.5%
## 3 4.555856 16.317493 11.763707 31.052826 50%
## 4 6.922567 27.118067 22.561020 36.140566 97.5%
## 5 1.114595 4.434651 4.829689 3.013463 sd
The default plotting function for the output of the
function shows you your raw mass data, the
estimated full curve from the mixture model, and also plots the
individual component peaks using their parameter estimates from the
model. The default plot is in black and white, but you can plot a colour
version that uses colour-blind friendly viridis colours by specifying
bw = FALSE
Take a look at your plot. Do the estimates seem reasonable?
If the estimated peaks do not match your data well, it may be that your sample is a bit different than those used to develop the package. That’s not a problem, but you may need to try the deconvolution again with different starting values. If you aren’t managing to produce reasonable estimates, get in touch with us via the issues page.
If you want to modify the aesthetics of this plot for your own work, then you can access the parameter estimates as follows:
and use fs_function()
to plot individual component
peaks, and fs_mixture
function to plot the overall mixture
To read more about the methodology, check out the Detailed Methodology article.